Track & Swap FT

Your WAX wallet always with you

📊 Track & Swap tokens

In this tab users can track, swap their tokens, check WAX price, see their total value in WAX and USD.

Overall Value in WAX, USD and WAX price

In this tab, users can see their tokens value for each account, or all their accounts combined.

By pressing on the "WAX" button on top-right position, users can see their tokens value in USD. In the settings tab ⚙️ users can change the displayed currency.

Track & Swap tokens

In the same tab, users can see all their tokens, their charts, and their value in WAX (this value is displayed in fiat currency when tapping on the "WAX" button in the top-right.

In the settings tab ⚙️ users can decide to show also:

  • Staked WAX

  • NFTs Value

  • Switch on/off charts

By tapping on a token, users are able to Swap it. Taco uses Alcor contracts on the Taco App Swap.

Taco holds a 0.5% fee on swapped tokens. Based on fee amount. Swapping tokens will also refill Taco Faucet Pool with a value that depends on fee amount.

Swap feature does not work on iOS due to Apple restrictions.

Last updated