MEAL Rewards

MEAL are the incentives added to a Liquidity Pool: every day, Liquidity Providers earn tokens based on their Liquidity Pool share.

MEAL (Multi Earning Assets Liquidity) are the rewards linked to Liquidity Pools: by adding MEAL rewards a LP become an incentivized Liquidity Pool.

This means that Liquidity Providers of that given pool, earn daily tokens based on their share of the pool.

Rewards Distribution Example:

A user provides the liquidity for the WAX/TLM MEAL, holding 20% share of the total pool.

This WAX/TLM MEAL distributes 100 TLM per day to its Liquidity Providers based on their pool share.

The user, who holds 20% of the pool, will be rewarded with 20 TLM per day.

Rewards are distributed every day between 9:00 and 10:00 UTC.

Projects can add MEAL rewards to their liquidity pools in the Projects Account section.

Providing Liquidity & Snapshots

Users can provide liquidity to gain MEAL rewards based on their pool share. It's worth noting that by providing the token pair, users contribute to the total liquidity of the specific pool.

Users are able to withdraw their tokens anytime, with no added fees.

Every day, multiple snapshots are done: this means that if users jumps into a Liquidity Pool after more snapshot are done, they won't collect all their estimated at the first distribution.

Providing liquidity has risks to be aware of. The main risk of using Liquidity Pools is Impermanent Loss.

Get to know more about Impermanent Loss here.

Withdrawing Rewards

Rewards are distributed every day between 9:00 and 10:00 UTC and can be withdrawn in the user's internal wallet.

Projects - Rewards & Pool Set Up

Rewards distribution is based on multiple snapshots made during the day, in order to guarantee a precise distribution based on the daily liquidity.

Rewards are distributed to the user's Account Balance every 24 hours.

All users will be able to claim their rewards and automatically send them to their WAX wallet.

The rewards for a given token pair are set up by the projects that want to be featured in the MEAL pools. They must indicate:

  • Amount of tokens to distribute daily

  • Total amount of the pool

Projects can change the pool parameters and send tokens to refill the pool anytime.

Based on this information, each MEAL. rewarded pool will show also this information:

  • APR

  • Number of days until the pool rewards expire

Any project account can enable and set up rewards.

Once the distribution is enabled, the account is able to add and remove rewards as often as required, specifying the exact amount of the rewards for each drop.

Projects - How to Set Up MEAL Rewards

This feature is only for projects, get to know more on the Projects Account section

  • Go to the projects dashboard

  • Login with the account which own the token/s

  • Once logged in, you will be able to see the Liquidity Pools linked to your token/s. If you don't see them there are two possibilities: 1) There are no existing Liquidity Pools with your tokens and you have to create one here 2) The account is not linked to the token/s

  • Choose one of the existing Liquidity Pools and click on Manage Rewards

  • Click on +Add Reward and select the total amount of tokens you plan to give as reward

  • Click on Manage, insert the daily amount of tokens you want to give as reward and Save. Now the MEAL rewards are live and visible. In this panel you will also be able to deposit token/s again

  • Click on Manage to edit rewards anytime

Projects - Multiple Rewards

A single Liquidity Pool can have more than a MEAL reward. Multiple rewards can be set by project owners and representatives on their Projects Account dashboard.

During the first stages, only the token's contract owner is able to set up the reward.

Example: TLM/NEFTY Pool. Project owners at Alien Worlds (TLM) can set TLM or other of their tokens as rewards. But also NeftyBlocks (NEFTY) can set NEFTY or others of their tokens as rewards.

Every week, the top 3 pools S.A.L.S.A. pools are rewarded with a 100 TACO per day bonus for their connected M.E.A.L.

Projects - Advertising for Web3 Projects

MEAL rewards are a fantastic opportunity to advertise your Web3 projects.

By distributing MEAL rewards, projects allow more and more users to earn their tokens by staking and get to know their ecosystem.

MEAL rewards are also a great way to stabilize tokens in addition to rewarding users.

Last updated